Planning & Architecture
In the early 1990’s St Pauls Anglican Church in North Caulfield had become the beneficiary of a substantial financial bequest which the congregation decided to put toward much needed amenity improvements as well as the creation of a welcoming and hospitality spaces.
The brief was fulfilled firstly by extending the building to the west to create a reception lounge area, ablutions and an upper level office space. However, the critical component of the intervention was the street facing informal people space that is utilized primarily as a café style gathering area before and after communion services. The lobby is also constantly utilised during the week for various church interest groups making it a highly valued contributor to the life of the church family and its guests. As a result the church is able to reach out to the broader community with welcoming transitional spaces.

Joe Kovacs
ARBV Registration number: 14691
ABN: 18 353 778 459
Tel: 0419 956 870
Email: jk.arch@bigpond.com
71 Richardson Drive
Victoria 3931
Office Hours
Mo-Fr: 9:00-5:00
Sa: 8:00-14:00
Su: closed